Today, we will go through a step-by-step process to move running odoo from one server to another server
Note: I assume odoo is already installed and working fine with demo/test DB.
Before migrating your Odoo application from one server to another server, it's important to take all the precautionary measures and backup all the data - Database, Code, and Files. Let's start:
I - Backup
Step-1. Database Backup
You can use Odoo Database Manager - /web/database/manager link to perform this activity. But if the database is too big, please use pg_dump command from PostgreSQL. Here is the example:
pg_dump -W -F t odoo13 > ~/odoo13_28062021.tar
Note: Make sure that you are logged in as postgres or odoo user to perform this activity.
Step-2. Backup of custom modules
The next step is to take a backup of all of your custom code. Mostly, It will be in your /odoo/custom/ and /odoo/enterprise/ directories.
You can use scp command to directly copy your directories from one server to another server. Let's say both of your machines are Linux ones, then these commands can help you.
scp -r(for recursive directories) <source> <destination>
scp -r /odoo/custom/
Step-3. Backup of your attachments/images
The last step is to take a backup of your application attachments - order attachments, images attached to tickets, website and product images, etc. You can find the filestore at this location:
You can copy these files also directly to the new server.
II - Restore
Step-1. Restore Database
You can use Odoo Database Manager - /web/database/manager link to perform this activity. But if the database is too big, please use pg_restore command from PostgreSQL. Here is the command:
pg_restore -v --dbname=odoo13 odoo13_28062021.tar
Note: Make sure that you are logged in as postgres or odoo user to perform this activity and database is already created with name.
Step-2. Restoring custom modules
We have already copied these files in step-2 of the Backup section activity. If not done, please use the scp command to copy files at the new server location.
Note: Make sure that odoo is the owner of all these files. You can use this command to change ownership of the directory and subdirectory.
chown -R odoo:odoo /odoo/custom/
Step-3. Restore filestore
We have already copied these files in step-3 of the Backup section activity. If not done, please use the scp command to copy files at the new server location.
III - Reload Odoo
Once all data - Database, custom modules, and filestore is restored on the new server, the next step is to start odoo with the latest data. I would suggest doing it using the shell/command line if you are a developer.
Step-1. Stop all odoo services
ps ax | grep odoo-bin | awk '{print $1}' | xargs kill -9 $1
Step-2. Start odoo services.
python3 /odoo/odoo-server/odoo-bin -c /etc/odoo-server.conf -d odoo13 -u all
Once all the modules are updated successfully, you can just stop the odoo services using step-1 command and start it using.
sudo service odoo-server start
Step-3. Reload assets - log in as admin and reload assets
I hope everything went well as expected. If your UI is distorted, there is a possibility that fingerprints generated for js and css files are not the same as in filestore. To fix it we have to reload assets.
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