Near about 1 year ago, one of our project’s requirement was to take screenshot of some website pages at run time and save them, but at that moment our team didn’t find any proper solution. Today while I was going through Google Reader found a article “ Sreenshots in PHP with GrabzIt ”, went into detail of that and found useful. Although it’s properly documented on the website even then I will try to summaries in few easy steps. 1) Register yourself : 2) After successful completion of registration you will get Application Key and Application Secret . Store it somewhere. 3) Download Simple PHP Library from : 4) Assign write and read permissions to images folder. 5) G o to GrabzItConfig.php file and set the values of configuration variables : $grabzItApplicationKey , $grabzItApplicationSecret and $grabzItHandlerUrl . 6) Run index.php file. It will show you all the screensho