Hi, following code can be used to link menu to external url: <record id="external_link" model="ir.actions.act_url"> <field name="name">Odoobiz</field> <field name="type">ir.actions.act_url</field> <field name="target">new</field> <field name="url">http://blog.odoobiz.com</field> </record> <menuitem action="external_link" name="Odoobiz" id="menu_odoobiz_link" parent="website_blog.menu_website_blog_root"/> This code will create Odoobiz menu under Blog menu and link it to http://blog.odoobiz.com . This will open link in new tab. If you want to open it in same tab itself. Please use - <field name="target">self</field> Thanks!!!!!!!! Enjoy Programming!! :)