After order has been placed, if customers are getting an email with subject : ‘Merchant Email Receipt’ having following content **Please DO NOT REPLY to this message. E-mail if you have any questions. ========= SECURITY STATEMENT ========== It is not recommended that you ship product(s) or otherwise grant services relying solely upon this e-mail receipt. ========= GENERAL INFORMATION ========= Merchant : XXXXXXXXXXXX (1356037) Date/Time : 21-Apr-2014 13:43:26 PDT ========= ORDER INFORMATION ========= Invoice : none Description : Test transaction for ValidateCustomerPaymentProfile. Amount : 0.01 (USD) Payment Method : MasterCard Type : Authorization Only etc.... and you don’t want to send these type of emails to your customers? If yes, then here is the solution. Go to Magento Admin panel -> System -> Configuration -> Sales -> Payment Methods -> -> Email Customer Set to no and save th