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Showing posts from July, 2021

Elasticsearch: Copy Index Structure

Use Case: Let's say, you already have an index on one Server1 and you want to create a new index with the exact structure on Server2 . What you should do? Solution:  1. Copy the index structure from Server1 . Let's say your index name is: product-data-index and you can access the settings here: https://x.x.x.x:9200/product-data-index/_settings { "product-data-index" : { "settings" : { "index" : { "routing" : { "allocation" : { "include" : { "_tier_preference" : "data_content" } } }, "number_of_shards" : "5" , "provided_name" : "product-data-index" , "max_result_window" : "30000" , "creation_date"

JamfAAD (Intune) on Macs - Sign-in Errors

 Hi, Today, I faced one weird problem when I changed my O365 password. This pop-up was appearing every few minutes after pressing the cancel button and it was throwing me to 404 URL after pressing the continue button which was completely irritating and frustrating. After spending some time looking into this issue, I found a small trick. 1. Open the Safari browser and make it the default one. 2. Next time when this popup comes, press the Continue button. That's it and the issue is resolved. :) Thanks!! Enjoy Programming!! :)

Manual Odoo Migration from One Server to Another

Today, we will go through a step-by-step process to move running odoo from one server to another server Note:   I assume odoo is already installed and working fine with demo/test DB. Before migrating your Odoo application from one server to another server, it's important to take all the precautionary measures and backup all the data - Database, Code, and Files. Let's start: I - Backup Step-1 . Database Backup  You can use Odoo Database Manager - /web/database/manager link to perform this activity. But if the database is too big, please use pg_dump command from PostgreSQL. Here is the example: pg_dump -W -F t odoo13 > ~/odoo13_28062021.tar Note: Make sure that you are logged in as postgres or odoo user to perform this activity. Step-2 . Backup of custom modules The next step is to take a backup of all of your custom code. Mostly, It will be in your /odoo/custom/  and /odoo/enterprise/ directories. You can use scp command to directly copy your directories from one serve