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Odoo/OpenERP: one2one relational field example

one2one relational field is deprecated in OpenERP version>5 but you can achieve the same using many2one relational field. You can achieve it in following two ways :

1) using many2one field in both the objects (

2)  using inheritance by deligation

You can easily find the first solution with little search over internet so let's start with 2nd solution.

Scenario : 

I want to create a one2one relation between two objects of openerp




What I should do 

i. Add _inherits section in hr_employee class
ii. Add field medical_detail_id in hr_employee class

class hr_employee(osv.osv):
    _name = 'hr.employee'
    _inherits = {'hr.employee.medical.details': "medical_detail_id"}
    _inherit = 'hr.employee'    
    _columns = {
             'emp_code':fields.char('Employee Code', size=6, readonly=True),
             'medical_detail_id':fields.many2one('hr.employee.medical.details', 'Medical       
             Details',help="Link this employee to it's medical details", ondelete="cascade", required=True),

You don't have to do anything with 'hr.employee.medical.details' object

iii. Add fields in hr_employee_view.xml file

<group col="4" string="Medical Details">            
    <field name="medical_detail_id" invisible="1" required="0" colspan="4" />
    <field name="blood_group" />
    <field name="medicine" />
    <field name="medicine_desc" />
    <field name="allergies" />
    <field name="allergies_desc" />

and you are done. It will create exactly one record each employee entry in
hr.employee.medical.details table.

Please let me know if you are facing any issue to implement it.

Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Enjoy Programming :)


  1. hello , first of all thank you for this tuto,
    I am trying to do the same thing except I inversed the roles so I have a hr.employee and a physician class ,
    I added _inherits section in physician class and field employee_id in physician class,
    but I'm gettinh en error while creating new records
    any suggestions?!

    1. Which Odoo version you are using.....OpenERP 7.0 or Odoo 8.0? Above mentioned workaround works only in version 7.0 and doesn't support version 8.

  2. Firstly i would say this is an awesome blog for odoo. I have a custom module which imports employee, salary details that i have already in a csv file, now i want these details to refelct in hr, accounting module instead of manually creating a pay slip. I want the salary details in my file be reflected to employee payslip.
    In fact we already have a software for computing the salary, so we want to bypass the salary computation in odoo.
    Help me out

    1. Hi Anilraj, For custom module development best approach in Odoo is to connect your functions with already running functionality of Odoo. In your case, try to make a salary related entry from Odoo and check how the flow/control is going and then override those functions in your module. You can change salary calculation by overriding it's function. Hope you got it!

  3. Very Good!
    I used this as a reference for create withholdings one2one per invoice!
    Thanks a lot!

  4. Hi, I've added 3 fields in "HR>Employee" and same three fields in "Project > Task", so now I want; when I will select an employee from "cust_uname" field

    from "Project > Task"; then 'Bill ID' and 'E-mail' field will get data automaticaly. Is that possible? so please


    + Human Resource > Employee

    In xml file:


    In .py file:

    class res_partner(osv.osv):

    _name = 'hr.employee'
    _inherit = 'hr.employee'

    _columns = {
    'cust_uname':fields.char('User Name'),
    'cust_bill_id':fields.char('Bill ID'),

  5. Hi, I've added 3 fields in "HR>Employee" and same three fields in "Project > Task", so now I want; when I will select an employee from "cust_uname" field

    from "Project > Task"; then 'Bill ID' and 'E-mail' field will get data automaticaly. Is that possible? so please


    + Human Resource > Employee

    In xml file:


    In .py file:

    class res_partner(osv.osv):

    _name = 'hr.employee'
    _inherit = 'hr.employee'

    _columns = {
    'cust_uname':fields.char('User Name'),
    'cust_bill_id':fields.char('Bill ID'),

    1. Yes, you can achieve this using on_change even handler in Odoo.

  6. Now, in 2019, how this can be done in Odoo 12?

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  8. Thanks for sharing the article.

  9. Nice post and feel good to read.


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