In development world, daily we face lot of problems, some are
big while some are minor. Sometimes it takes a lot of time to fix small one
than bigger ones. Similar to this, today I faced a small issue with TinyMCE in
CakePHP. It was to set an attribute and to figure it out itself took couple of
hours of mine. Then I decided to share it with my readers, thinking that it may
save those couple of hours of someone else at some point of time.
Problem :
TinyMCE notempty validation was not working fine and it was
showing following message on console.
An invalid form control with name='page [description]'
is not focusable
Solution : Set required
attribute to be false in view file. For example :
class="umstyle3"><?php echo __('Page Description');?></div>
class="umstyle4" ><?php echo
$this->Form->input("description" ,array('rows' => 15,
'label' => false, 'div' => false, 'class'=>"umstyle5 w400p",
'required' => false))?></div>
Reason : CakePHP validation
rule automatically adds a required attribute to the field. So we have to remove
Hopefully, it will help
If you guys are facing any
other problem with CakePHP TinyMCE integration please let know. May be, I can
Thanks!!!!!!!! Enjoy
Programming J
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