First time I was using
Auth component of CakePHP and it took me around 2 complete days to fully
understand Auth component and implement it. Documenation is also bit confusing
on I am writing this post for my future reference
as well as for those who are having doubts with Auth component. Let's start
1) Very first step is
to include Auth component in components array of AppController. As you know for
controllers we do most of the common stuff in AppController.
var $components = array('Auth');
2) If you wanna
customize Auth component messages and variables use beforeFilter() method for
that, as :
function beforeFilter() {
//it would load User model dynamically. Discussed in
detail in step 4
= ClassRegistry::init('User');
//Following is the code to change default variables for
username and password
//default array
//var $fields =
array('username' => 'username', 'password' => 'password');
= array(
=> 'username',
=> 'cslab_user_password'
//You can change the default login from /users/login to
be any action of your choice.
//$this->Auth->loginAction = array('admin' => false, 'controller'
=> 'users', 'action' => 'login');
AuthComponent remembers what controller/action pair you were trying to get to
before you were asked to authenticate yourself by storing this value in the
Session, under the Auth.redirect key. However, if this session value is not set
(if you're coming to the login page from an external link, for example), then
the user will be redirected to the URL specified in loginRedirect.
$this->Auth->loginRedirect = array('admin' => false, 'controller'
=> 'assigned_devices', 'action' => 'index');
can also specify where you want the user to go after they are logged out, with
the default being the login action.
= array('admin' => false, 'controller' => 'users', 'action' =>
the default error message displayed when someone does not successfully log in.
$this->Auth->loginError = 'Username/Password Mismatch.';
the default error message displayed when someone attempts to access an object
or action to which they do not have access.
$this->Auth->authError = 'Please login to view that page.';
//I have
written these three function to check if admin or normal user is logged in and
to get username of the logged in member
if user loggedin is an admin
function _isAdmin(){
= false;
= true;
if user is logged in
function _loggedIn(){
= false;
= true;
username of the loggedin user
function _usersUsername(){
= null;
= $this->Auth->User('username');
3) Go to your Users
controller and write a login() function.
function login(){
need to write anything inside function because Auth component handles
If you don't wanna
customize anything leave it blank otherwise write your code inside. For
example I wanna implement validations on
username and password so here is my code :
function login(){
($this->Auth->user()) {
= $this->User->validationErrors;
4) Now write view file
echo $session->flash('auth');?> //Display auth messages
echo $this->Form->create("User"); ?>
<?php echo
$this->Form->input("username", array('label' =>
"Username : ", 'type' => 'text', 'class' => 'tal vat w200p',
'error' => false)); ?><br/>
<?php echo
$this->Form->input("pswd", array('label' => "Password :
", 'type' => 'password', 'class' => 'tal vat w200p', 'error' =>
false)); ?><br/>
<?php echo $this->Html->div("pb10p",$this->Html->link("I
forgot my password","/users/forgot",array('class' =>
'pl150p')), array('id' => "forgot_password")); ?>
<?php echo $this->Form->end("
Login ",array('class' => 'button')); ?>
Have you noticed i
have used "pswd" field name instead of "password" for
password field. It's because if we will use "password" field then it
would perform automatic hashing even if the field is empty and would skip
validation for password as well. I just wanna perform password validation and
md5 hashing without salt. So we have to use other name for password field and
overwrite hasing. So go to User model and write validation code as well as
hashPasswords() function. We also have to set
'authenticate' to the object you're authenticating against (usually this
is User, done in step 2)
var $validate
= array(
=> array(
=> array(
=> 'notEmpty',
=> 'Please Enter Username',
'last' => true
=> array(
=> array(
=> 'notEmpty',
=> 'Please Enter Password',
'last' => true
function hashPasswords($data) {
(isset($data['User']['pswd'])) {
= md5($data['User']['pswd']);
5) To logout from
system you have to just write following function :
function logout(){
6) If you wanna
another page to get accessed without login, mention it in beforeFilter()
function of the controller. For example i also wants to access register and
forgot_password functions of users controller
to be accessed publicly then write following code :
function beforeFilter(){
7) You can also your
own layout for Authentication error messages like 'authError' and 'loginError'
using following line in AppController beforeFilter() function.
$this->Auth->flashElement = "message_error";
this layout file
should be saved as\views\elements\message_error.ctp
// Code in
<div class="ui-state-error">
<?php echo $message; ?>
8) If you wanna get
any information of the loggedin used then you can get it simple as :
$user_email = $this->Auth->user('user_email');
where 'user_email' is users
table field.
That's it. If you have
any doubt regarding please post your comments below.
Reference Links :
Thanks!!!!!!!!!! Enjoy
Programming :)
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