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Use to create shorten urls in PHP : Part1 is the most popular service to create shorten urls. In 2010, they had announced 

Version 3 of the API. They had come with some new features like click counts, 

getting bundle information, query bitly information etc... All V3 methods support identical 

JSON and XML response formats. JSONP is likewise universally supported, and many 

methods support an additional plain text response format.

I have divided the bitly session into two parts.

Let’s start with first part. Please follow these steps:

a)  Register yourself with
b)  Go to developers section :
c)  On top navigation bar click on My Apps link.

d)  Go to Manage My Apps->Advanced Tab 

e)  Note down your API Key (Click on Show legacy API
     key link in Legacy API Key Section and it would show you the API key).

f)  Click on the link It would show your username and 
    api key. Make sure  that both the api keys from step 5 and 6 are same.

To create shorten urls we need only username and api_key parameters.

Following is the function I had written to create shorten url using json format.

//Note* Constants like THIRD_PARTY_SHORTEN_BASE_URL are stored in 
config.php file.


include ("config.php");

echo shorten_long_url("","json"); die;

//All APIs support an optional return format parameter format=json so same 
convetion i had followed here

function shorten_long_url($long_url,$format = 'json') {  
                $authorize_url = THIRD_PARTY_SHORTEN_BASE_URL."?                  
                $response = file_get_contents($authorize_url);

                if($format == "json") {
                                $json_parsed = json_decode($response);

                                //I have used both status_code and status_txt parameters to test if 
                                  response in ok because as per bitly API documentation sometimes 
                                  status_code 200 doesn't mean the request id ok
                                if($json_parsed->status_code == 200 && $json_parsed->status_txt == 
                                                $shorten_url   = $json_parsed->data->url;
                                                return $shorten_url;
                                                return 'Invalid Request';
                                //write code for xml request here

It would return you the shorten url.

Thanks!!!!!!!!! Enjoy Programming :)


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