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Showing posts from August, 2015

Laravel Unique Validation

Hi, You can find most of the things on the following link regarding unique validation in Laravel. But I would like to add one more case to make it little easy to understand: articleName => unique:articles,article_name,{isset(article_id) : article_id : NULL },article_id,user_id,{user_id} The query that this will give you is:  Select count(*) as aggregate from articles where article_name = <given_article_name> and article_id <> {article_id} and user_id={user_id} It will check unique article name per user. Multiple users can have same article name but one user can't have same article name again, only once.   Thanks!!!!!!!!! Enjoy Programming :)  

Implementation of free3of9 bar-code in Odoo/OpenERP

Following are the steps to implement free3of9 bar-code in Odoo/OpenERP. 1. Install fonts(.ttf) files on your server. a. You can download free3of9 bar-code files from here: b. Extract/unzip folder and copy extracted ' free3of9 ' folder in ' /usr/share/fonts/ ' folder only with .ttf files. 2. Odoo use two codes for 3of9 bar-code.  Standard39 for Normal 3of9 and Extended39 for Extended 3of9 or New 3of9 3. In Odoo you can use it as follow based on your .rml or .xml file a. For .rml file: <barCode code=" Standard39 " fontName="Times-Roman" fontSize="30" alignment="CENTER"> [[ or '' ]] </barCode> b. For .xml file: <img t-att-src="'/report/barcode/?type=%s&amp;value=%s&amp;width=%s&amp;height=%s' % (' Standard39 ',, 600, 100)" style="...

Odoo/OpenERP: Barcodes supported by Odoo

Following is the list/matrix of most popular bar-codes supported by Odoo. 1D Product 1D industrial 2D Code Name Bar-code Type Odoo Code Code Name Bar-code Type Odoo Code Code Name Bar-code Type Odoo Code UPC-A upca UPCA Code 39 code39 Standard39 QR Code qr QR UPC-E upce UPCE Code 39 (extended) code39 Extended39 EAN-8 ean8 EAN8 Code 93 code93 Standard93 EAN-13 ean13 EAN13 Code 93 (ex...

Odoo/OpenERP: Picking List printing blank barcode?

Are you facing a problem with bar-code in picking list. Is it displaying nothing? Reason is: Odoo uses reportlab to print barcode images and reason of showing blank barcode means reportlab fonts are missing. Follow following steps to install reportlab fonts: 1. Login to your server as root user. 2. Open terminal and go to location: '/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/reportlab/' Check if 'fonts' directory is there? If not, create it. 3. Go to 'fonts' folder and Download Zip file from here: i.e $ wget extract it and delete  4. Restart your server. That's it. Thanks!!!!!!!! Enjoy Programming!!! :) Reference Links: