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dompdf : HTML to PDF Converter in PHP

Recently, there was an requirement in a project to convert HTML to PDF at run time. While I was going through google, found two very good libraries named 'wkhtmltopdf' and 'dompdf'. dompdf was fulfilling my criteria so i went with that only. Just sharing that with you.

dompdf is an HTML to PDF converter library. At its heart, dompdf is (mostly) CSS2.1 compliant HTML layout and rendering engine written in PHP. It is a style-driven renderer: it will download and read external stylesheets, inline style tags, and the style attributes of individual HTML elements. It also supports most presentational HTML attributes.

Download dompdf library from here.

Recommended Version : 0.6.0_beta3

Requirements : 

1)       PHP 5.0+ (5.3 recommended)
2)      MBString extension - for better Unicode support.
3)      DOM extension (bundled with PHP 5) –“The DOM extension allows you to operate on XML documents through the DOM API with PHP 5.” 


1)      Easy to Use.
2)      Well Documented.
3)      Better CSS support except few things like ‘css : float’ property.

Cons(Known Issues) :  

1)       Not particularly tolerant to poorly-formed HTML input (using Tidy first may help).
2)       Large files or large tables can take a while to render.
3)       CSS float is not supported.

How To Use : 

Following is a simple example to show use of dompdf library.



$html = '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
                font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;

table tr th{

    line-height:14px !important;


            <div><h1>Test Document</h1></div>

            <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
                        <td class="italic_text"><h3>DirtyhandsPHP</h3></td>

if ( get_magic_quotes_gpc() )
               $str = stripslashes($str);

$dompdf = new DOMPDF();
$dompdf->set_paper('letter', 'landscape');

//Set Attachment attribute as True to show download file dialog box
$dompdf->stream("dompdf_out.pdf", array("Attachment" => false));

//For Attachment to sent in email
//$output = $dompdf->output();



Thanks!!!!!!!!!! Enjoy Programming :)


  1. Thank you for sharing this useful information on HTML to PDF Converter, I will regularly follow your blog. Excellent post!


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